are the artists presently exhibiting in the gallery.
Karel Appel - lithographs
Arman - lithographs
Håkan Berg - lithographs
James Coignard - mixed media
Corneille - lithographs
Jörgen Fogelqvist -
Paul Holsby - painting and lithographs
Bo Hultén - painting
Bengt Lindström - lithographs
Roberto Matta - lithographs
Jörgen Nash - lithographs and mixed media
Helmtrud Nyström - lithographs
Tryggvi Ólafsson - lithographs
Madeleine Pyk - lithographs
Lennart Rodhe - lithographs
Olle Svanlund - lithographs and
Theo Tobiasse - lithographs
Louis Toffoli - lithographs